Thursday, February 29, 2024

 Do Not Be Dismayed 

By Rev. Lonnie C. Crowe 

We have all walked through stressful times and seasons. Often our faith has faltered in the fiery face of fear. Most of us are familiar with Isaiah 41:10: “Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.”  

The Glossary of the One New Man Bible shares in depth clarity to the phrase “Do not in any way be awed! Do not be dismayed.” "The Hebrew negative command is very powerful, with no direct English equivalent. It is even stronger than saying, “Do not even dare to think about...! Know that faith in God is what you need to replace the fear and dismay. Although usually translated as “fear not", the Hebrew means to revere, to hold in awe. There is only One Whom we are to revere, to hold in awe and we are not to be in terror of Him, but to give the respect and honor to which He is due. Do not be awed by the size and strength of the enemy, but respect and revere the awesome God we serve.” 

Saturday, February 24, 2024

 Are You Tired, Weak and Worn?

Rev. Lonnie C. Crowe

Are you doing things the way you have always done them and are still disappointed in the outcome? Have you reached the end of your rope and there is no knot to hold on to? Have you come to the end of yourself? Are you willing to admit that your way hasn't been successful so that God can bring the blessings of His Kingdom into your life? Allow the following to be your prayer: “Lord, I am so weary of my way. In humility and with a submissive heart, I desire to live my life Your way.”
“Precious Lord, take my hand,
Lead me on, let me stand,
I am tired, I am weak, I am worn;
Through the storm, through the night,
Lead me on to the light.
Take my hand, precious Lord,
Lead me home.”
---Thomas A. Dorsey

Wednesday, February 14, 2024


The Time of Love

By Rev. Lonnie C. Crowe

In these days, God is revealing in great depth “the Spirit of the Bride” to His Church. Indeed, now her time is “The Time of Love” (Ezekiel.16:8). God is calling the Bride of Christ to make herself ready as she awaits the return of her Bridegroom (Revelation 19:7). His desire is for her to come into the depth and full significance of His love and to reveal that love in our daily lives.  God wants to see His people healed and delivered, and able to walk in the fullness of who they were created by their Heavenly Father to be. He desires maturity in the Church.  The Father’s heart yearns to see them living their lives out of a place of purpose, divine fullness, abundance and faith.


Father God is raising up mature Sons of God in this hour who are willing to be carriers of His marvelous light, who exist to carry on the ministry of Jesus Christ and further advance His kingdom by undoing all works of darkness.

Christ Jesus is coming back for a glorious Bride, without spot or wrinkle, a people that hear His voice and walk in the unity of the faith and the knowledge of the Son of God.

Mature Christians are called to encourage, equip and activate the Body of Christ in their gifting, calling and destiny. God desires for us to know Him more intimately and to make Him known to a lost and dying world.

 Walking in the joy and peace of the Lord in spite of the circumstances in our lives is a powerful testimony to a confused and seeking world. Because joy and peace are fruit of the Spirit, they are part of our spiritual DNA.  They are developed in our lives when we understand our identity in the Lord and accept the truth that we are radically loved by our Creator.  Just as nothing can separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus, nothing can separate us from the joy and peace that spring forth from that love.  When we receive that into our lives, we can move into ministry that will change the lives of others.

Tuesday, February 6, 2024

 Thinking Outside the Traditional Sermon Box

By Rev. Lonnie C. Crowe

“...let the wise listen and add to their learning, and let the discerning get guidance…” - Proverbs 1:5 (NIV)
In our world of changing technology and increasing confusion, I have become more and more aware of some of the issues and shortcomings with our traditional methods of teaching and discipling in church—an area of consideration that is often overlooked because we are used to the way it has always been done.
Church teaching, doctrine and discipline are frequently aimed at the fast track learners, those with proficient vocabularies, and/or theologians. We are aware of slower learners or those with different intelligences in the educational system, but we seem to be unaware that these same people may be struggling to understand sermons, Sunday school lessons, and Bible studies. Additionally, few people in the congregation have seminary level vocabularies.
Several years ago, Cindy, one of my students, brought a theological concern to me.
Cindy: Mrs. Crowe, I understand about the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, but who is Trinity?
Me: I don’t understand your question.
Cindy: You know, the Trinity, the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Who is Trinity?
Cindy was in an English class, so we discussed the Father, Son and Holy Spirit as appositives to Trinity (they are additional words used to explain what is meant by Trinity). I use this example because I know that many reading this may have no understanding of appositives; however, those same readers will understand when I explain that the Father, Son and Holy Spirit make up the Trinity. We all bring different types of understanding and learning to our study of Scripture.
For another example, I was leading a Bible study on the Holy Spirit. One woman had been reading from the King James Bible on her own, and she had somehow come to the conclusion that we have both the Holy Spirit and the Holy Ghost. She approached me wanting to know how to differentiate between the ministries of the two. A disconnect had occurred because we were each approaching the subject matter from a different context. 
I highlight these stories to challenge us to think about the methods we are using to teach and disciple people. Is it possible we are not reaching them as effectively as we could because we are only considering our own backgrounds, experiences, educational levels, etc.?
I am blessed to pastor a small church filled with people who have difficulty understanding for various reasons. Some have limited vocabularies because English is their second language. Others have limited education. Some simply learn at a slower rate.
Most have become uncomfortable in traditional churches because they feel left out. Many do not have the “church manners” that require them to sit quietly. If my parishioners don’t understand a word, they simply raise their hands and ask. If they have a comment, they make it. This works in our small church, but what about larger churches where they would be disruptive? How are we going to effectively communicate spiritual truths when many people struggle to understand or just have a different learning style?
Through the ages, churches have primarily taught with the lecture (sermon) method. However, research shows that the lecture method is the least effective method of teaching! In contrast, interaction is one of the most effective methods. PowerPoint and other projection programs have enhanced the lecture method by supplying a visual, but we can do more. Here are some ideas to consider:
·         While it is important to use standard theological terms so that our people become aware of the vocabulary that is normal in the Church, it is even more important to ensure those words are defined in terms that most congregants can understand. Many who attend church regularly struggle with “Christianese.”  I recently met with a group of pastors where we decided to promote the city-wide Thanksgiving service as “The Community Thanksgiving Gathering” rather than as an ecumenical service. Several seminary-trained pastors present admitted they did not know the meaning of “ecumenical.”
·         Brief breakout sessions during or immediately following the sermon would give people opportunities to discuss a particular point with those sitting around them.
·         Bible memorization is crucial. Paraphrasing in addition to rote memorization enhances understanding of passages.
·         Teachers and preachers should foster an atmosphere where every question is considered a good question and deserves a thoughtful answer. My experience has shown that if one person has a question, many others have the same question. Jesus often responded to questions and suggestions from His disciples. It was the disciples who said, “Lord, teach us to pray.” Pastors could find out some of the major questions on the minds of their church members and plan a sermon series to address them.
·         Dramatic readings, sketches and full dramatic productions increase learning.
·         As much as possible, lessons should include examples and explanations pertinent to the culture of the congregation. Farmers understand farming analogies. Those in the technological industries appreciate examples from their experience.
·         We live in a visual society. Maps and other graphics help learners to focus and understand. For example, with all the turmoil in our world today, it is vital that people have an understanding of geography and Israel’s physical relationship to the conflict. 
·         Handouts can be more effective with the use of colored fonts, pictures and interesting formatting.
In all our efforts to present a well-organized lesson, we must remember that we do not truly teach unless others learn. The above suggestions don't work in every church, and that’s ok. But this is a starting place for thought, especially for those of us on the church mountain who are positioned to lead and teach others. Are there ways we can do this more effectively, ways that will help people truly take hold of spiritual truths with understanding and the ability to practically apply them to their lives?

We’ve all heard countless traditional sermons, and there will continue to be a place for them. But let’s not be afraid of asking the Holy Spirit to help us think outside the box in order to help people’s hearts connect to Him in a deeper way.