Returning to Gratitude
By Rev. Lonnie C. Crowe
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 (NKJV)
“Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.”
“Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.”
Many have misinterpreted this verse to say that we should be
thankful “for” everything that comes into our life, even the misery, because
the misery, too, must be the will of God. The scripture actually
says that “in” all situations that we should be thankful and that it is God’s
will for us to rejoice always, to pray without ceasing and to be thankful in
spite of what might be happening in our lives.
However, as our culture has moved away from rejoicing, it has also
moved away from thanksgiving. “Thank You” notes are regrettably a
part of the past and seldom appear in the present. We neglect to
thank the restaurant waiters because, after all, they are only doing what they
get paid for. Appreciation has all too often degenerated into
deprecation. In that deprecation, we celebrate “turkey day” and get
an early start on “Black Friday” by shopping while the turkey roasts.
Our Pilgrim forefathers, after a miserable winter, celebrated
their first harvest in the new colony by sharing their bounty with their
neighbors. It was a time of fellowship accentuated with gratitude to
the Almighty for their survival. In spite of the hardships they had
endured, they were thankful for the harvest and hopeful for the future.
How do we return to gratitude? Let’s look again at our
1. Rejoice always. Our
willingness to rejoice is predicated on our free will rather than our
circumstances. Psalm 118:24 (NKJV)
“This is the day the LORD has
made; We will rejoice and be glad in it.” We should rejoice because His mercies
are renewed every morning” (Lamentations 3:33).
2. Rejoicing focuses our
attention upon the Lord rather than on our circumstances. As we
focus on the Lord, it becomes the order of the day to discuss both the ordinary
and the extraordinary things with Him. That is prayer without ceasing.
3. Then, as we pray
continually, thanksgiving will flow from us. We will desire to thank
God for all that He has done. We will feel gratitude for those who
serve to make our lives easier. We will see the thought behind the gift
rather than the price tag.
Father, we thank You that You are joyful and that the desire of
Your heart is for Your children to be joyful as well. We rejoice in
Who You are and the blessings You pour upon us. We thank You for
Your loving arms. We thank You for Your peace. We thank
You for Thanksgiving Day.
We love the food; we love the fellowship; we love the
family. Give us strength to walk away from the lure of merchandisers
and simply rest in the bounty You have provided. Our hearts sing
with joy in the knowledge that Your Son has made it possible for us to rejoice
always, to pray without ceasing and in everything to give
thanks. Amen.
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