Monday, January 23, 2023

 Mercy Mercy Mercy

In order to be truly merciful, we must be able to discern the fine line that exists between compassion and negative enabling. God is merciful, but He does not enable our sin, our doubt, our unbelief. God, through the Holy Spirit who lives within each believer, enables us to be overcomers.

Monday, January 9, 2023

 Personal Psalm 23

Reverend Lonnie C. Crowe

Because I have accepted the Lord as my Shepherd, I know down in the depth of my being that He will, without fail, supply all of my needs out of His riches in glory.  He guides my feet in the path of wisdom so that I can rest in the freshness of His provision. He leads me to the refreshingly calm waters of His Holy Spirit.  There I can be still in the knowledge that He is God.There I can become still water for others in this troubled world.

In spite of the turmoil happening around me, He restores my mind by causing me to meditate on His loveliness. He strengthens my will to walk in His righteousness as a testimony that His way is the best way, that His pathway leads to La Dolce Vita on earth as well as in heaven.

When I am surrounded and nearly overwhelmed with adversity, His rod (His guidance)and His staff (His strength) comfort me.  

In the midst of sin, chaos and anguish, He demonstrates His covenant with me.  He takes me to His banqueting table where His banner over me is agape love. He lavishly anoints my head with the oil of the Holy Spirit and declares that in His kingdom I am a king and a priest. 

I have no doubt that nothing can separate me from the love of God which is established in the sacrifice of Jesus. I live now and will live forever more surrounded and protected by all that He is. 


Tuesday, January 3, 2023

 John 1:1-4.  “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made. In Him was life, and the life was the light of men.” 

My thoughts returned to “In the beginning was God.” God stood in the midst of eternity past. He spoke in a voice like many waters, “Light be.” and instantly light is. That light emanated from God Himself. God is eternal. Therefore, light is eternal. God is always in the present tense because He does not change. He has always been, always is and always well be Yaweh, I AM. God is good. Therefore, goodness is eternal and will never change.  

 A Word for the New Year:

The Lord would say to us at the beginning of this new year, “Don’t borrow from the sunshine of today by longing for the past and fearing the future. The past is gone and cannot be retrieved. You have no need to fear in the future. In Me, your future is filled with hope and goodness
Each day, you must look beyond your current situation and experience the transcending power and glory of walking with Me. Look beyond the frustration of the things you cannot understand and into the assurance that I hold tomorrow, and, if you will allow Me, I will hold your hand.
The path that I have chosen for you goes above and beyond anything that you can think of or imagine and into the realm of perfect peace purchased for you on the Cross. Remember Proverbs 4:18 (NKJV): “But the path of the just is like the shining sun, That shines ever brighter unto the perfect day.”
Allow the One who holds tomorrow to be the One who holds your hand.

 This season and every season is the season to more fully realize, accept and walk in the heart knowledge that Yahweh, Yeshua, Ruach Kodesh is eternally King of Kings and Lord or Lords.