Monday, January 9, 2023

 Personal Psalm 23

Reverend Lonnie C. Crowe

Because I have accepted the Lord as my Shepherd, I know down in the depth of my being that He will, without fail, supply all of my needs out of His riches in glory.  He guides my feet in the path of wisdom so that I can rest in the freshness of His provision. He leads me to the refreshingly calm waters of His Holy Spirit.  There I can be still in the knowledge that He is God.There I can become still water for others in this troubled world.

In spite of the turmoil happening around me, He restores my mind by causing me to meditate on His loveliness. He strengthens my will to walk in His righteousness as a testimony that His way is the best way, that His pathway leads to La Dolce Vita on earth as well as in heaven.

When I am surrounded and nearly overwhelmed with adversity, His rod (His guidance)and His staff (His strength) comfort me.  

In the midst of sin, chaos and anguish, He demonstrates His covenant with me.  He takes me to His banqueting table where His banner over me is agape love. He lavishly anoints my head with the oil of the Holy Spirit and declares that in His kingdom I am a king and a priest. 

I have no doubt that nothing can separate me from the love of God which is established in the sacrifice of Jesus. I live now and will live forever more surrounded and protected by all that He is. 


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